Good Morning Ritu ji.
Just wanted to share my journey and experience after joining your regular Morning Meditation and Reiki Classes.
It has been truly magical ✨✨
A few days back in a gathering of around 1500-2000 I won an Iphone 16 to my surprise. Let me tell you that till date I have never won such a huge prize. But after connecting with you and Reiki,my wishes are being fulfilled instantly and something which I have not really planned for. This is the result of raising vibrations , trusting and surrendering to the Universe as told by you many times during the sessions.
Another incident was losing my phone at the same gathering and we couldn’t find it despite our efforts. I just called upon Reiki with complete faith and unbelievably in the next 5 minutes someone answered on my phone and I was able to get it back, it had all of my work files and connections.
Can’t thank Reiki Ma and you enough for all the Divine Magic I have come across in the past few days. These are just a few instances..Everyday there is something new to discover.🙌🙌
It has been an Amazing journey since I joined the Reiki course and that has completely changed my way of life, relations and understanding.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Universe for connecting me with you and Reiki.🙏🏻🙏🏻💐💐
Deepti Dixit
The Reiki class was an amazing experience, Ma’am. The way you conducted the class with such a smooth and composed flow was truly superb. The lessons we learned are invaluable, and I will always keep them in focus. Having a mentor like you, who embodies such strong principles in and for life, is truly a blessing, Ma’am.
Thank you so much; it means a lot to be your student! I am filled with gratitude, Ma’am.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to Abhishek Sir and Harpreet Ma’am for connecting me with such a pure soul, Ritu Ma’am. I can truly feel a connection with you. Thank you, Ritu Ma’am! Because of you, I am learning more about myself with each passing day. I am more conscious of my choices now, and my positive energy is at its peak. Even during low moments, I just think about your principles and find calm. This holy fire came to me like a blessing, and I am incredibly grateful that Reiki Maa chose me to be her channel.
I can’t fully express this feeling in words, but I can say that it is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience! ♥️♥️”
It has been a wonderful journey of learning with you, Ma’am. You are amazingly calm, sweet, and beautiful. I hope and pray to follow your teachings and grow both personally and professionally. Thank you so much, and I humbly request that you continue to be a guide in my journey. With gratitude, Jai Sai Ram.
I did Angel Healing with Ritu Mam last year and my experiences pushed me to take a step further and do Holy Fire Reiki with her. I truly believe that Ritu Mam is a very powerful healer and a strong channel and it’s a blessing to be attuned by a Guru like her. I remember Ritu Mam saying casually once that now that you are connected to me you are connected to Magic
Love and Gratitude
Sonal Taskar
Hi, everyone I’m Rachna Berry from Holistic solutions. I have been practicing and I’m a channel of many healing modalities from more than a decade now. In my spiritual journey I have experienced the blessings of many teachers and guru’s, but I’m yet to experience the unmatched energy of Ritu ma’am, Her courses are very well planned and she teaches in the most systematic manner. I felt a major shift in my energies after taking attunements through her, l do witness things being solved at a much faster space. I feel short of words to pay my love and gratitude for my dearest Ritu ma’am. She rose from ashes to teach us to be the flame and light of love, healing and courage, that’s what Ritu ma’am is.
Rachana berry
The sessions were very inspiring and informative on how we can work with the Divine Beings, to help ourselves and others. I feel fortunate to connect with you Ritu mam.. Your smiling face and positive Aura made the sessions very interesting..
Looking forward to meeting you soon in other classes..
Thank you mam for the valuable teaching
The sessions were awe inspiring, another realm of learning and experience. I loved evenings about Angels, never thought I would learn about Angels, I just happened to get the lessons as destined, I applied Angel healing even before we completed and got results.
We do not normally talk about magic anywhere, but I was very happy to be in a space where everyone of us believes in magic. I’m blessed and grateful
Keep speaking love healing and happiness! Couldn’t get enough of you and the magic! Looking forward to crossing paths again! Into this intriguing world of magic!!
I Would like to send my Gratitude to Ritu mam
Hi, everyone I m Rachna Berry from Holistic solutions. I have been practicing and I m a channel of many healing modesties from more than a decade now.
In my spiritual journey I have experienced the blessings of many teachers n guru s,but I m yet to experience the unmatched energy.
Hey Rituu ma’am
I would like to thank you for guiding and motivating me throughout the entire course. It has been a memorable journey and I’ll cherish this for my lifetime. The positivity which I have got from this course has
completely changed the way I look at life.
Thanku so much
You not only taught the course but you touched my soul in a very
significant manner. Your Charismatic Aura is truly
magical. Thank you so much Love you.
Hi Ritu Ma’am,
I feel like I’ve been connected with you for ages now though my relationship started with you in the mid of 2024.
You’ve a different aura that can shift your student’s energies anytime and every time. I feel so blessed that I could attend your classes which has got a huge positive impact in my life. You’re truly an Angel for me to guide me. Thank you for everything !
Love & Best Regards,
Ritu Ma’am I’m blessed to have you in my life. I always had a of passion to do or to be something in my life. In April 2023,1 imbibed the knowledge of Angel Healing from you Ritu Ma’am Thus, I got inspired to learn the Art of Healing, under your guidance ma’am, which truly amazing to learn and practice. In the end, I conclude and believe that whosoever learns any of your courses are blessed to have you as *GURU & MENTOR. Ritu Mam is a very powerful healer and a strong knowledgeable blessed Guru connecting us to Magic Healing World. Overall she has the power to transform her students into beautiful, wonderful n Spiritual healers and Lots of Love and Gratitude to Ritu ma’am
Susheela Posha
Thank you ma’am, i know our connection will go a long way and this is not the last time we speak! Thankful to god that our paths crossed ~ God will bless you abundantly too for your unconditional sharing of
Theresa Dsilva
Good evening maam, some 15 days ago, I noticed a small white patch on the top of my daughter’s left eyelid. It was immediate panic because my husband has vitiligo. My daughter, She is 9. I was hoping my husband dint see it as it wasn’t visible with specs. She wears specs. But of course a father would notice! My husband got into a major panic as well and almost wept to that oh! God what did she inherit from me! Both of us are generally calm and we did try to rationalise. The next day went to a dermatologist who said it could be vitiligo or it couldn’t be… the patch was so insignificant and my daughter so young that it was very difficult to diagnose.. wait and watch she said and prescribed some tablets.. while on way back, I remembered my childhood frien…
The session were wonderful. I could feel magnetism even though I was sitting on the other corner of the world. Ritu Mam really took soo much time to understand my problems and helped me navigate them by empowering me. Within 11 sessions I see changes in myself. She is soo kind. She also helped me beyond reiki and after every session gave me life lessons. She also did my handwriting analysis. I am blessed 😇 to have found Ritu mam who is soo loving, kind and helping. She has been extremely supportive. The whole experience was magical, god sent and meant to be.
Hello Ma…just can’t wait to share this with you…you remember I had double fracture on my left foot bone that goes from little finger to the ankle…surprisingly in just 17 days it’s healed,much better ,rejoined ..he has advised for 2 weeks more rest to cut the plaster…It’s a miracle with my reiki healing daily and most importantly the self healing session we did in the morning,since then I felt no pain ,no stiffness..
Thank you so much Ma for being with me always😊🙏❤️and many more happy moments in my life….love you love you love you❤️🌹
Hello, I’m lakshmi goyal, completed basic angel healing course taught by Ritu mam, practicing it every day. Thanks to her I feel happy and positive. This course helped me in realising that angels are all around us who guide us we should give gratitude to the universe for making us strong. My healer Ritu mam made me realise that we all are beautiful from inside and I’m grateful that i came in contact with her at the right time, feel welcoming in her positive circle. Thank you.